version:"3.3"x-environment:&environmentenvironment:# The url of your Formbricks instance used in the admin panelWEBAPP_URL:# PostgreSQL DB for Formbricks to connect toDATABASE_URL:"postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/formbricks?schema=public"# NextJS Auth# @see: You can use: `openssl rand -hex 32` to generate oneNEXTAUTH_SECRET:6ccd890b103017d5ffb36a3f4202d3d95bfd55455e12c31ccf2b5214d78bd229# Set this to your public-facing URL, e.g., You do not need the NEXTAUTH_URL environment variable in Vercel.NEXTAUTH_URL:# Encryption Key is used for 2FA & Single use URLs for Link Surveys# You can use: $(openssl rand -hex 32) to generate oneENCRYPTION_KEY:81827cff9f55e4b31879ed5d64e2af0202b7cd027b098d01a7cdcaa9b1f08dcb# PostgreSQL passwordPOSTGRES_PASSWORD:postgres# Enterprise License Key# Required to access Enterprise-only features# ENTERPRISE_LICENSE_KEY:# Email Configuration# MAIL_FROM:# SMTP_HOST:# SMTP_PORT:# SMTP_SECURE_ENABLED:# SMTP_USER:# SMTP_PASSWORD:# Set the below value if you have and want to use a custom URL for the links created by the Link Shortener# SHORT_URL_BASE:# Set the below to 0 to enable Email Verification for new signups (will required Email Configuration)EMAIL_VERIFICATION_DISABLED:1# Set the below to 0 to enable Password Reset (will required Email Configuration)PASSWORD_RESET_DISABLED:1# Uncomment the below and set it to 1 to disable SignupsSIGNUP_DISABLED:0# Uncomment the below and set it to 1 to disable logging in with email# EMAIL_AUTH_DISABLED: 1# Uncomment the below and set it to 1 to disable Invites# INVITE_DISABLED:# Uncomment the below and set a value to have your own Privacy Page URL on the signup & login page# PRIVACY_URL:# Uncomment the below and set a value to have your own Terms Page URL on the auth and the surveys page# TERMS_URL:# Uncomment the below and set a value to have your own Imprint Page URL on the auth and the surveys page# IMPRINT_URL:# Uncomment the below and set to 1 if you want to enable GitHub OAuth# GITHUB_ID:# GITHUB_SECRET:# Uncomment the below and set to 1 if you want to enable Google OAuth# GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID:# GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET:# Uncomment the below to automatically assign new users to a specific team and role within that team# Insert an existing team id or generate a valid CUID for a new one at (e.g. cjld2cjxh0000qzrmn831i7rn)# (Role Management is an Enterprise feature)# DEFAULT_TEAM_ID:# DEFAULT_TEAM_ROLE: admin# Uncomment and set to 1 to skip onboarding for new users# ONBOARDING_DISABLED: 1# The below is used for Next Caching (uses In-Memory from Next Cache if not provided)# REDIS_URL:# The below is used for Rate Limiting (uses In-Memory LRU Cache if not provided)# REDIS_HTTP_URL:services:postgres:restart:alwaysimage:postgres:15-alpinevolumes:- /volume1/docker/formbricks/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data<<:* postgresports:- 32000:3000volumes:- /volume1/docker/formbricks/uploads:/home/nextjs/apps/web/uploads/<<:*environment